We had a race today in Hermosa, SD. It rained the night before and helped get the track wet. (Hermosa is usually a dust bowl so we were glad for some moisture. Too bad it rained way too much and it got horribly muddy! So they started the races to see how it would go. Jace and Brayden went out for practice and were doing really good until Brayden wrecked into a face of a jump and Jace crashed into him. I don't have a picture of what Brayden looked like after he wrecked, but I am sure you could imagine. After practice there was a riders meeting and the Pee Wee Classes got canceled for the day.
While we were packing up getting ready to go, Jace had a bright idea and took his pedal bike out to ride in the mud. This is what he looked like after.
Brayden was the smart one and went into our camper to change. I don't have any pictures of him, but I wish I did. He was way muddier than Jace and Brayden didn't even ride bikes after practice.
They ended up doing the first motos for all the other classes, but canceled the 2nd motos. These are pictures of some of the other guys that had to race.
We seen this a lot today.
This was another trooper.
This is the hill that everyone had to park on. Some also slid down it and had a lot of trouble walking up it! (I was one of them)
I wish that I would have taken more pictures (like a family picture), but Brayden was already clean and Brett was hosing off dirt bikes. But I'm sure you get the idea:) Next time I will get lots of pics, but I really hope that there is not going to be a next time!!

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