On Sunday we had a race in Belle Fourche, SD. When I say WE I really mean WE! This weekend was the Mother's Race! Since I have NEVER ridden a dirt bike before I practiced a little on Jace's 65 the week before and I also had my very first wreck. Brayden thought that it would be funny and swerve in front of me with the 4 wheeler. My first reaction was PULL THE BRAKE or I was going to hit him!! Instead of pushing down the foot brake(back brake) I pulled the front brake!! I went sailing over the handlebars and to the ground I went. The ground came in very slow motion and I put my arms out to break my fall and landed on my hands and knees and rolled. I heard Jace yell, "DAD, Mom wrecked" and he and Mattison came running over to me. They found me lying on the ground cracking up laughing. Mattison though that I was crying, but I was laughing so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes. The first thing Jace said was, "Mom you're not supposed to put your arms out to catch yourself. You are supposed to tuck and roll!" So I guess it is a good thing I didn't break anything. Brayden felt really bad and had a little lecture from his dad.
That was my last day of practice before the race. Brett told me that I had a name to uphold so I'd better go :) YEAH RIGHT!!
So here is the race!
So here is the race!

Some of the ruts were like a foot deep! I can't believe how fast my boys go through this stuff! They would have lapped me twice before I got finished!

Jace is telling me to give it gas.
I look very uncomfortable!

Finish line. I MADE IT!! I didn't even wreck, I screamed down a couple of the huge hills, but other than that I was good.

HAHAHA!!! Thats AWESOME!!!!!
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