Sorry it has taken me so long to update my blog. We've been really busy with racing and everything.
This last weekend was Fun Days in Upton. We had a great time. On Saturday, there was a parade and Jace and Brayden rode their dirt bikes and Bridger rode his 4 wheeler. Brett had to ride with Bridger because we were worried that if we let him ride by himself he would either run over someone or something. Unfortunately their ride got cut short because Jace's dirt bike started to overheat. They were about halfway through the parade. The boys' dirt bikes are not meant to go slow. So they overheat when they do. 

After the parade we went up to the park and had lunch. The boys played the games that the high school students put on and they won prizes. (I was bad about taking pictures this weekend!) Then we went to Polly's Pub & Grub to watch the minnow races. When we got there we found out that most of the minnows had died and they had to cancel the race. The boys were bummed, but then they found out what was going on next!
At the Upton Airport they had a RC Plane flying contest! (This is where I wish I had my camera!) These planes were awesome and after I found out how much these planes cost I was hoping no one crashed! We have a couple of people in Upton that have planes, but a lot of people were from out of town. The boys sat the whole time and just watched. They LOVED it and I did too! Our friend Riley was one of the people that had a plane and he was doing awesome tricks in the air! It was great! There was only one crash and it wasn't a bad one. When he was coming in for landing a gust of wind lifted up the tail of the plane and flipped it around on it's back. Come to find out that there was not much damage so that was good!
The airplane contest finished and it was time to go. Bridger was so tired that he fell asleep on the way home(it's like a 5 minute ride, if that). He was tired! So we got home and let Bridger sleep for a while. Jesse and a couple of his friends came over to hang out in the AC. Brayden figured out that he could do a headstand and practiced the whole time Bridger was sleeping. He is really good now. Bridger and Jace are almost there :)
Bridger slept for only about 1 hour and then he was ready to go again. Jace, Brayden and Bridger wanted to go fishing at Keyhole so we hooked onto the boat and headed out. We got there and drove around for a while, but 5 people casting out of a small aluminum bost was not such a bright idea. Brett and I had to fix poles way too much! We ended up going to shore and casting. Brett caught 3 bass. None were keepers. Just threw then all back. I caught absolutely nothing along with Jace and Bridger. Brayden on the other hand caught a HUGE walleye, from shore, all by himself. He was very proud of it! 
It was about 3 and a half pounds.

I promise I will try too keep this updated!
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