I don't know if anyone heard about our eventful weekend June 28-29 so here it goes. A couple of our friends, Shawn and Jenna, invited us to go camping at Sand Creek. What a beautiful place to go camping! It was great and the weather was awesome. It actually could have been a little warmer, but still great. We left on Friday the 27th and when we got there we set up camp and then the boys were ready to go fishing! Brett and Shawn took Jace and Brayden fishing down the creek while Jenna, Bridger and I followed. Well the boys ended up getting too far so Jenna and I went back to camp and hung out. Shawn got back soon after because he wasn't catching anything. haha :) So us three and Bridger went to look for firewood while the others were fishing. After we got back we started a fire and got dinner going. Brett and the boys eventually came back and had "big news" for us. 23 ticks!! GROSS! I hate ticks. They are the grossest thing ever! Brett said they pulled 14 off of Jace 8 off of him and 1 off of Brayden. I made them all come and change their clothes and search for more ticks because I didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night with one or more crawling on me. Ok..so I am in the camper making hamburgers and Brett had left his shorts on the couch in our camper and what do I see??? A DARN TICK!! I scream and yell for Brett to come and get it. He runs in and says "Calm down, it's just a tick." JUST A TICK?? Is he crazy? Those things can give you diseases and the bury their heads into your head! YUCK! So that tick gets thrown into the fire. Later that evening Brett and Shawn have to go and get more firewood because the stuff we got earlier was too wet. While they were gone I was rubbing Brayden's hair and I feel a tick, I yell for Jenna (I won't touch the things) and Jace comes running and says, "I'll get it, I'll get it." So he pulls it out and tosses it into the fire. By this point I'm ready to go home. Did I mention I HATE TICKS? So we are sitting around the fire hanging out and Shawn feels something crawling up his leg. ANOTHER TICK!! Yeah so far I think that ended up being the 26th tick of the day. The night for me was rough! I thought a tick was crawling on me all night.
The next morning we made breakfast and decided to go up the mountain to a little pond that has a bunch of fish in it. When we got there it was a little chilly and windy, but still pretty nice. The boys caught a lot of fish and we were getting ready to go back to camp to eat lunch...when...something bad happened.
Brayden went to cast his pole and hooked himself in the back of the head! Not good. It was down to the barb! He started screaming and Brett said, "Hold still and I'll pull it out with my pliers."
So to make a long story short we took Brayden to

the ER in Spearfish and they numbed it up and pulled it out with a pair of pliers. Brett said the next time that happens he's not paying for an emergency visit he is just going to pull it out. So we get back to camp and eat dinner and the boys decide they want to go fishing. I was a little worried at this point. I have decided that fishing is a very dangerous sport! haha
So they did that for awhile and decided they wanted to go and float the creek. They had to talk Shawn into it because Brett wasn't going to get into the freezing water. So Shawn took the boys. They had a blast.
Jace ended up falling off into the water, but he didn't seem to mind too much. He just floated the rest of the way down with his life jacket.
Brayden ended up getting in the water too and floating down with Jace.
Then it was Bridger's turn to hop on with Shawn.

He wanted to keep going, but it was getting too dark so they had to call it a day. So we went back to camp and made s'mores and sat by the fire.

We saw some elk on the mountain in front of us!

Jace and Brayden took turns riding Bridger's four wheeler. That was funny. They found a jump and were launching off of it.

This is Bridger on the four wheeler all by himself!
Sunday morning the guys floated down Sand Creek again. This time Brett went too. They had a blast! They said the water was a little cold, well I think they said freezing, but they still had fun. Then we packed up and went home.

When we got home we had to go out to Brett's parents' house and see his Grandparents and eat dinner out there. After dinner was over Patty, Brett's mom, wanted to take all the boys to go and look for their wild kittens. Jace, Hunter, and Bridger are outside waiting while Patty comes inside to see if Brayden and Reece want to go too. We here this awful scream and then Jace running inside saying, "I need stitches again." He said this over and over until we finally got him calmed down so we could look at it. (Inside note: Jace got his other stitches taken out a week before new ones were put in. Two weeks before this he was up at his aunts house and all the boys were widdling sticks and Jace slipped and cut his leg open very bad and had to get 5 stitches.) Sure enough he needed stitches. We asked hm what happened and he said that he was trying to help Bridger and Hunter was shutting the gate not realizing that Jace was coming back through. A piece of the gate caught Jace's arm and tore it open. So we headed to the ER for the second time in one weekend. They stitched it with three stitches and he was good to go. Jace was a trooper. Brett told him that if he was tough he would buy him new handle bars for his dirt bike. So we now owe him a new pair of handlebars thanks to Brett :)
7 days later the stitches are out and everything is back to normal. (as normal as it could be):)