The SDMA had their end of the year awards/points banquet in Rapid City, SD. The boys got their end of the year points trophies. Their trophies this year were plaques with their names and pictures. The boys love them, but would have liked the huge ones instead :) Brayden ended up getting 5th in Pee Wee Open points and 2nd in Pee Wee 4-6 points. Jace got 3rd in Pee Wee Open points (he would have gotten 2nd if his bike didn't break down in Belle).
Brayden with his Pee Wee Open trophy.

Brayden and 4th place, Nathan.

The banquet was a blast. Just with that we could have stayed in the motel with everyone else, but we had to go home so Brett could finish our track. Oh well. Maybe next year!